Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Caught up in the crisis

I just ate cold pizza from the fridge. So, it was homemade, whole wheat crust, and covered with fresh veggies. It was still leftover and cold, and that's not a good sign. Then I ate stale, florescent, sour gummy worms. It's that bad. I've been running around on the verge of puking, checking my bank balance and my mailbox several times a day. When are those checks coming? When are my bills due? Did my bank collapse? I need to turn off Marketplace and do some yoga. I think we all should.

And then I saw a bumper sticker that read, "Business is good. People are terrific. Life is wonderful." OK. Right. Stress isn't really helping anything. I'm gonna put on my Deepak Chopra tape and try to appreciate all the things that aren't going wrong right now. And book a few more babysitting jobs. Then drink a margarita and go dancing like crazy at my friend's birthday party tonight.

Anybody else have a good idea about how to chill out?


Anonymous said...

When the fact that my old-age dog food account (I'm not going to be able to afford human food, right?) is not-so-slowly evaporating starts to nibble at the edges of my consciousness, I find it therapeutic to put food by, preferably food that was free to start with, like from a friend's garden. Stuffing the freezer with grilled eggplant slices and roasted peppers makes me feel a little safer, as though at least, whatever happens, I won't starve. In real, absolute terms, it's better than money in the bank.

Abi Tapia said...

Great idea, HIllary! I saw a cheese making class I really want to go to. If I can learn to can food and make cheese, I think I can make it through the apocalypse!